United. For Good

2.6 billion Christians.
46 thousand denominations/rites.
Zaia brings us all together.
We're a community united by our belief in Jesus Christ
Experience the sheer joy of creative expression!
Share your spiritual journey with others
Connect with other Christians
Share your God given passions with others
Get inspired by the Bible directly in the app
“May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me”
John 17:23 NLT

Our story

We created Zaia (which means light) because we simply wanted a place for all God’s kids to get together.

In John 17:23 NLT, Jesus prayed: “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me”. This scripture is the driving force behind Zaia and the core of our reason for being.

What started off as Jesus and His 12 friends is now 2.6 Billion Christians strong across 46 Thousand denominations!

We wondered how much good we could do for each other and the world if we had a place to come together in unity, so we created one.

Please join us on the Zaia app and spread the word and light with every Christian you know. See you there!

Real User Reviews

"It is visually appealing. It is faith based. People are allowed to share either a word or something visual. l lean more towards words and so I like having this option."

John Anderson

"Love being in a community with others that share my faith."

David Carter

"I like the camera quality, when I take pics directly from the Zaia app, my camera quality seems better enhanced, and the emphasis on the “clean” social network and the easily accessible Bible verses."

Sarah Mitchell

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